Auto Deductible Reimbursement
Pays up to $1000 per loss when claim is filed and paid with primary auto insurance carrier. In the event that the consumer suffers a loss on a motor vehicle they own & insure, this coverage will reimburse the consumer for an amount equal to the deductible limit shown on their Automobile Insurance Policy. Coverage is effective upon date of enrollment, and one to ten year terms are available.
Auto Repair Reimbursement
Consumer is eligible to receive a twenty percent (20%) reimbursement of the payment made for a mechanical repair on any automobile owned by consumer. Reimbursements are limited to twenty percent (20%) of the repair payment up to $500. The maximum amount the consumer can receive during a twelve month membership period is $1000.
Paintless Dent Repair
The benefit provides the consumer up to two paintless dent repairs within a twelve month period on ANY panel of a vehicle. The consumer's vehicle age can be up to six model years from their membership effective date.
Auto Protection Plan(s)
AssurancePlus designs various Protection Plans that can be sold to consumers on a point of sale basis. The plans contain benefits such as Auto Deductible Reimbursement, Auto Repair Reimbursement, Paintless Dent Repair, and other valuable services. The Auto Protection Plans are designed to maximize our Clients' profit and provide real protection for the consumer.
Job Loss Protection
Provides the consumer with protection of making their auto loan payments in the event they become involuntarily unemployed. Program benefits can be customized to meet the Client's needs for the number of payments, amount of payments, and term of coverage.
Trade In Protection
Trade-In Protection pays up to $5000 should the consumer owe more than what their vehicle is worth when they trade in their vehicle.
Customized Dealer Loyalty Programs
Design with dealer customized services & benefits to increase consumer loyalty and retention. AssurancePlus provides for dealer branded fulfillment, specialized notifications, and reminders. Notifications and reminders are customized to the dealer's preferences and key date intervals.
24-Hour Roadside Assistance
Services include towing, flat tire assistance, battery assistance, fuel delivery, oil/fluid/water delivery, and lockout service.
RapidFire Auto™
Provides the dealer with an automotive service lane texting solution that allows for quick, standardized communication with the consumer. This service increases advisor efficiency & dealer profitability and improves Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) survey results.